7 Ways to Ignite Outrageous Prayer (FIVE Combo Pack)
By Carl Brettle & Nigel James
Soft Back
40 Pages - Study Guide
Soft Back
160 Pages - Main Book
This wonderful prayer and study guide and book takes us through seven sections over 28 days, taking a prayerful look at the main book Seven Ways to Ignite an Outrageous Prayer
Outrageous prayer is not a new concept or style of praying. It comes straight from the very core of Scripture and is all about having the right heart attitude – an attitude that opens up our lives so that God can intervene in difficult or impossible situations.
Nigel James and Carl Brettle look at the lives of David, Moses, Paul and Hannah and provide seven ways to ignite an outrageous prayer life in you – whether you are a teenager, young adult or youth leader. If you are willing to say ‘Lord, teach me to pray’ then this book is for you!
Each chapter includes:
• Real life illustrations
• Biblical examples
• Easy to handle teaching
• A novice’s guide to key words
• Suggested further reading
• A short prayer to finish
‘When we shared the principles of “praying outrageously” in Third Day we really saw God move. Over a period of 2 weeks we began to pray for each of us in the band with a depth and an intensity we hadn’t often seen in our ten years together…The idea of praying outrageously is a biblical one and we love it!’
Mac Powell, Third Day