Acts 13:47 says, ‘I have made you a light for the gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth’. (NIV). Most believers will never go abroad on a mission trip, and yet there is a mission field right under our nose that we don’t often see, our workplace!
Work puts us together with all sorts of people. Our role is to be Jesus amongst them. Your action may be a kind word, it may be a prayer, it may be advice, it may be sharing to them who Jesus is. You can’t do any of this without trust, being available and being very consistent in your faith example to a workplace friend.
Christian’s example their faith through every aspect of their life, so the opportunity to serve our work colleges is great, and beyond that to share our faith is a privilege not to be missed.
Missions these days is less overseas, and more life based and local.
Help me Lord see the salvation potential in every one of my work colleagues. Help them come to know you as saviour, Amen.
Action Point Be prepared to answer questions, the faith inside of you is like gravity attracting people to talk to you, let Jesus speak through you to them.
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(NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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