A question asked by Jesus when debating a lawyer in Luke 10. The Lawyer wanted to inherit eternal life, then he made excuses, so Jesus shared the parable of the good Samaritan. Finally, through that Jesus gets his point across that the Samaritan became a ‘neighbour’ to the man who was robbed by showing mercy and that the lawyer should do the kind same kind of thing, setting him on the road to find eternal life.
The point was Samaritans in the story were not known for helping anyone. Lawyers at the time might have had a bad reputation too. He was saying that in helping people and showing mercy, you find the Kingdom of God in your own heart while doing it.
Why not help a few people out in your journey of life, become their momentary neighbour and experience first-hand the Kingdom of God through your express love to them?
A neighbours need when met, is where you’ll find God.
Father, help me to learn the ways of your Kingdom and not overlook people who need help along the way, Amen.
Action Point There is bound to be someone you know that needs some help right now, this might be the day to do that.
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(NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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