Ever reflected on the times you thrived in work, family, or Church? It was probably because the person leading valued you and served the whole team. Matthew 23:11 doesn’t cut any corners ‘But the greatest among you shall be your servant’ (NIV).
Leaders that empower, are the ones that realise they may not be the smartest cookie in the jar, but they serve & lead others that change the world. Those who are firebrands, gifted and able. They appreciate a shoulder to cry on and get life advice from, it’s a great partnership in the end.
Servant leadership is a challenge to us all, whether in a family, at work or Church. The more you value and support people, the more exploits they do. You may not make a name for yourself, but you will help people to get to their full potential, no better gift of leadership than that.
The best privilege in life is to empower friends to achieve their potential.
Lord, help to identify those around me I can serve, helping them to reach the calling they have in you, Amen.
Action Point
If you lead, when was the last time you appreciated those around you ?
Copyright notices
(NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Use in other publications. You can use upto 100 words of this publication with a reference to www.faithlift.org by Carl Brettle.