Halloween was originally an ancient Celtic festival called Samain. Pope Gregory III in the eighth century designated November 1st as all saint’s day, making the day before All Hallows Eve, which became Halloween.
Media got its hands on it and expanded it into trick or treat. Families dress their kids up and go seeking sweets around their Neighbours. Mostly they have no idea of the origins of this night. There is no doubt however covens are very active in this period.
We shouldn’t however be afraid. 1 John 4:4 says ‘…because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world’ (NKJV). Be forgiving to those who naively come knock your door, give them a tract, share the gospel with them. Remember though, God threw satan out of heaven, and God is still on the throne whether there is a Halloween or not, don’t worry, evangelise.
God is still on the throne, whether halloween, easter bunny or father Christmas.
Father help us to keep a focus on you on, not being distracted by the work of satan and be caught up in that, Amen.
Action Point Remember, the kids in this are innocent and the parent’s have no clue, halloween these days is a marketing ploy, avoid it and encourage to other to do the same.

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(NKJV) Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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