Proverbs is a treasure trove of practical advice, covering topics from personal conduct to relationships and integrity. By studying Proverbs, we learn how to live wisely and make simple yet profound decisions honouring God.
One of the critical themes in Proverbs is the importance of fearing the Lord. Proverbs 1:7 (NCV) states, "Knowledge begins with respect for the Lord, but fools hate wisdom and discipline." When we prioritise our relationship with Him, we lay a solid foundation for making wise choices and leading a life that reflects His values.
Proverbs also emphasises the value of seeking counsel and learning from others. It encourages us to be humble and open to instruction, recognising that wisdom often comes through the experiences and insights of those around us. By applying the knowledge of Proverbs, we can navigate life with greater clarity and purpose, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and God-honouring life.
God’s word is a book to live by, not a book to hide from.
Please remind me Lord, that when I need wisdom, to read proverbs. Amen.
Action Point
If you haven’t read the Book of Proverbs recently, now might be the time.

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(NCV) Scripture taken from the New Century Version®. Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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