When the news spread that Jesus was alive and He showed Himself to the disciples and proved He had risen, you could imagine how that fired up the faith of everyone He knew. His short, but poignant moments with various people in the days after His resurrection spurred everyone on.
Like Alphas and Cleopas on the Emmaus Road, they said in Luke 24:32, ’“Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?”’ (NKJV)
When your eyes have been opened to the incredible power of Christ, nothing remains the same. After Jesus proved who He was through what He did, we now need to get to work. To ensure the message of the cross, His death and resurrection are not lost to this generation. Fill our hearts with a burning passion for the lost Lord, Amen.
Let resurrection power flow through you today, to set your God-given vision on fire!
Lord, set my heart on fire for You. Amen.
Action Point
Whatever God has spoken to you, put some prayer behind it. Then it will truly come to pass.
Copyright notices
(NKJV) Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Use in other publications. You can use all of this devotional when including this credit. Copyright © Carl Brettle. Subscribe for free via www.faithlift.org