You may be aware of Charles Finney, the great American Presbyterian revivalist of the 1800’s. You might not be aware though of his Intercessor Daniel Nash. Nash in his later life realised that if he with a couple of other men, went ahead of Finney before he preached, and laid the groundwork in prayer for the meetings, there would be a huge increase in the numbers who responded to the Gospel. Nash would travail in prayer for days until he felt the enemy was defeated in that area, and then contact Finney to come and preach.
Matthew 7:7 suggests that we Ask, Seek and Knock when we pray, that we should not stop at the first distraction but press into prayer if we want to seek an outcome.
Are you about to do a big life moment? have you overlooked prayer? Spend time preparing in prayer, even before you begin.
Quote Prayer makes a way for a move of God in any situation.
Heavenly Father, help me keep a focus on prayer, help me today to pray my plans through before I begin, Amen.
Action Point
If there is a Christian event in your area in the coming months, why not pray for it earnestly, so that more people might come to know Jesus.

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Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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