On a wet September evening, after a few years of not attending Church, the day came to return. The hope he had of slipping into the back row of the service and not being noticed were dashed, the only spare seat was on the very front row! Irene Turner gently grabbed his hand and said softly, ‘every day you have been away, I’ve prayed for you’. His heart was gripped by her prayerful sacrifice.
Colossians 4:2 states that we should all ‘Continue earnestly in Prayer’. Irene did that every day for her young friend, over 1,000 times she prayed for him while he was away.
We will never truly understand the impact of the prayers we pray, this side of Heaven. Where you see a need, you should pray and leave the outcome to God. So, find a rebel, a troublemaker, your prayer could change the course of their life.
Remember every prayer you pray has an impact.
Help me be faithful in my prayers even when the answer is not as instant as I’d like it to be, in Jesus Name, Amen.
Action Point
When you pray focus on the trouble makers, those who walked away, those with the biggest problems, the result of your prayer will make an impact.

Copyright notices
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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You can use all of this devotional personally, in your Church or Ministry when including this notice. Copyright © Carl Brettle. Subscribe for free via www.imani.org