When Gustave Eiffel started to build a huge landmark for Paris in 1888, it was frowned upon, some thought he was crazy, others thought it was too big and might fall down. Colossians 3:23 suggests that whatever we do we should put our heart into it, as if we were doing it for the Lord and not for anyone else. The Eiffel tower was a roaring success and still adorns Paris with its spectacle today.
There might be an idea or dream you have had on the shelf, tucked away in the recesses of your mind, which needs to be dusted off and given a go. Something you’ve wanted to do for years, but the risk or the timing was wrong. Has God been reminding you of the idea or dream He gave you? You’ll never know the impact the idea or dream could have, unless you have a go.
It’s time to get on with that dream you’ve been hiding for years.
Lord, forgive me if I should have acted sooner, help me in the next steps to make this dream a reality, Amen
Action Point
For a project you might be working to succeed, surround yourself with positive and encouraging friends.
Copyright notices
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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You can use all of this devotional personally, in your Church or Ministry when including this notice.  Copyright © Carl Brettle. Subscribe for free via www.imani.orgÂ